Khamis, 17 Mei 2012

Kuih Suna (serunai) @ Tepung Pasung

This wrapped in banana leaves and cone-shaped cake is called kuih suna Kelantan dialect for serunai (flute).Called as kuih suna probably because it shaped like a flute. That time maybe the cone shape is not familiar to the maker that’s why it is not called as kuih kon. There are two parts of this kuih suna. The lower part consists of rice flour, sweet, water, and salt while the top is the coconut cream which added a little salt. It is cooked in steam. This kuih suna is tasty or not depends on this part. This cake also seems favored by the children as well adults may be due to the small form.

Ingredients (For 20)

  • 300 g gula merah
  • 1 biji telur
  • 200 g tepung beras
  • 100 g tepung sagu
  • 2 cawan santan pekat

  • 500 g tepung beras
  • 2 cawan santan pekat
  • 1/2 sudu teh garam
  • Daun pisang secukupnya (layur dahulu)
  • Bilah lidi yang ditajamkan (1 inci setiap satu)

1. Potong bulat 9 inci daun pisang.Kemudian potong daun yang telah bulat itu kepada dua (semi sfera).Gulung dari kiri ke kanan membentul seperti kon.Sematkan dengan lidi.

2. Sementara itu sediakan kukusan.Setelah mendidih letakkan kelongsong daun pisang di dalam celah lubang pengukus.

3. Dalam mangkuk besar campurkan kesemua BAHAN BAWAH. Adun hingga sebati.

4. Dalam mangkuk besar lain adunkan BAHAGIAN ATAS hingga sebati.

5. Sendukkan bahagian bawah dan masukkan ke dalam kelongsong daun pisang.Isi separuh kelongsong dan kukus hingga 3/4 masak.

6. Kemudian sendukkan pula bahagian atas dan kukus hingga masak. Siap untuk hidangan.

Mohdandmeriam, 2010, April 10, kuih muih tradisional melayu kelantan.Life as Pensioners, Retrieved May 2, 2012, from
 Delila, 2009, June 5, Tepung Pasung @ Serunai. the kitchen to his stomach, Retrieved May 2, 2012, from

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